Police Officer Body Slams Dumb Sorority Girl

April 10, 2017

This story peaked my interest today and it entails a hard lesson learned for this sorority girl.

The shocking images all appeared when the Colorado police tried, they arrested a bar outside the body for a 22-year-old girl.

Michaella Surat was hit by one of the officers threw out on the ground outside the Bondi Beach Bar at Fort Collins Thursday night.

The police were called from the University of Colorado to the bar in a battle report accompanied by a student’s boyfriend.

She got caught while trying to remove him from the scene.

Surato caught another party participant when the executive lived in the camera.

The image shows that you writhed to a policeman who had his forearm in his hand.

In one move, he twists his arm to get him to hit the ground back to his belly.

The audience breathed in with a shock as Surat hit the ground.

She then tried to get on his legs, standing at his knees before being overthrown by the same official and his colleagues.

The photos were uploaded on Social Media, sparked criticism from users who accused the police of being overly aggressive.

“She’s like 90 pounds … a poor girl!” Another police said a shocked user while saying: “It’s not cool”

It was uploaded to the official account of Barstool, so it has been viewed more than 8000 times through Instagram or Twitter.

Fort Collins police said that from the treatment of the police officers it was a standard for accusers in beating assault offenders.

“She remained on the scene at that time, she physically disturbed and hit an officer,” a spokesperson for Coloradoan said.

The body image taken by the medicine will be considered as part of the incident investigation.

Surat was posted to Larimar County Prison, but it was released after posting a $ 1,750 bond.

Maybe this “girl” will think twice before touching a police officer again after she was arrested for assaulting an officer.

Making Videos

March 19, 2010

When I came up with my idea to start a website about a video game with me having video of how to beat levels and tips for multiplayer I thought it would be fun and easy.

Well the fun part is definitely right, this is probably the most fun I’ve had while making a website, but easy it is not. Part of my problem is I’m not sure if some of my videos are that helpful, or what people really need help on.

I guess I just based my videos on what I think I would find helpful and fun to watch. I’m a pretty avid gamer, and when I started my Call of Duty 4 site I was pretty sure I could accomplish this feat (of making good videos).

My first problem came when I tried using my digital camcorder as my method of recording video. When I watched it, it was terrible it was too dark and hard to read text. So I had to invest in a Dazzle, and this thing works wonders plus it came with a video editing software which is something I needed anyways.

Now that I have the making video part down (just me playing the game in a specific manner basically) hopefully I can get some good footage to make it.