Making Videos

March 19, 2010

When I came up with my idea to start a website about a video game with me having video of how to beat levels and tips for multiplayer I thought it would be fun and easy.

Well the fun part is definitely right, this is probably the most fun I’ve had while making a website, but easy it is not. Part of my problem is I’m not sure if some of my videos are that helpful, or what people really need help on.

I guess I just based my videos on what I think I would find helpful and fun to watch. I’m a pretty avid gamer, and when I started my Call of Duty 4 site I was pretty sure I could accomplish this feat (of making good videos).

My first problem came when I tried using my digital camcorder as my method of recording video. When I watched it, it was terrible it was too dark and hard to read text. So I had to invest in a Dazzle, and this thing works wonders plus it came with a video editing software which is something I needed anyways.

Now that I have the making video part down (just me playing the game in a specific manner basically) hopefully I can get some good footage to make it.

First Time Using CSS

March 17, 2010

I probably first worked on a website building when I was a young teenager (around 1997) by making a website about a computer game called Dark Reign. I remember I was using geocities and their editing tool. It was pretty brutal looking compared to what we can do now a days.

I wish it was still around though just so I could look at it. Anyways, after that experience I didn’t try making another site until late 2003. This was also a pretty basic site with my small knowledge of html.

Although I tried keeping up to date with the changes in html code I kinda completely ignored css, I just didn’t want to have to start from scratch again, but I finally over came this with a month ago. I can’t believe how much cleaner my code is with css it really does simplify things.

The first page I wrote in css: Visa Buxx is a pretty basic one, with no overlapping elements. I tried doing overlapping tables with my 2nd attempt at Wachovia credit card, but it wasn’t working properly when I looked at in a Firefox browser. Oddly enough it did look fine in Internet Explorer though. So I had to scratch that and redo the code so it didn’t have overlapping elements.

Hopefully I’ll get the overlapping working correctly and really learn how to use CSS to its fullest potential.

Article Sites

March 14, 2010

I don’t get what’s up with Squidoo.  I’m sure this is really old news to many, but over the summer of 2009 Squidoo decided that many topics were spam topics and anything related to those would be deleted.  Well of course some of my lens ended up on the chopping block even though they weren’t really about the banned topics.  So now I lost a couple hundred visitors a month from Squidoo.  All because people decided to write a bunch of spam articles.  It just makes me sick that the work I put into those lens is now gone.

On to another article site, Hubpages, well I just tried to publish another “Hub” and they denied it claiming to was over promotional or not enough unique content.  So I guess I will after to add more unique content to it.

These sites are just so frustrating and I think it’s because they are too worried about ranking well in Google.  I mean I can write an article for EzineArticles in 30 mins and it will be published with no problem, because I won’t make any money from it.